Tama City International Center (TIC) is a civic organization in Tama City, Tokyo (Japan) founded in 1993. It aims to promote international exchanges and various activities performed mainly by volunteer members such as teaching Japanese language, lecture on international understanding, counseling and learning each other's cultures to deepen mutual understanding.
How about giving it a try?  Start volunteering to connect with the community!...
Join us and become an active member of our organization to support and share our goals.
Feel free to contact us.

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Hand in Hand in Tama

A newsletter that contains information necessary for daily life of foreigners living in Tama City and neighbouring cities.

<THIS MONTH'S CONTENTS (November 2021)>

    • ・Information related to COVID-19
      ・Notice about COVID-19 vaccination
      ・Food distribution for free
      ・Tama Center illumination 2021
    • ・November is the month for payment of child support allowance
      ・The 31st Film Festival "TAMA CINEMA FORUM"
      ・Festival 2021 where everyone lives in harmony (free movie showing, panel discussion, exhibit)

    • ・Rota of doctors on holidays and after hours
      ・Counseling for foreigners
    • ・Schedule of TIC Japanese language classes


HAND in HAND in TAMA special edition is available in different languages.<Simple Japanese, English, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Korean, Tagalog, Vietnamese>
Please click below link for details:
【外国人の皆さまへ】新型コロナウイルスワクチンの注射(ちゅうしゃ)について(Notice on COVID-19 vaccination) | 多摩市役所 (tama.lg.jp)

Japanese Language Classes

For details about schedule and classrooms, < click here > 


Ikebana Salon

Japanese-style flower arrangement for foreigners.
Every 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Please inquire for details.
*Lesson will resume in September 2021

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